There are so many ways to keep the fire alive between the Sheets. And many of them start before you ever reach the bedroom. Here are just a few of them.
It’s not just about telling someone that you love them. Anybody can say it. It’s about making them FEEL your love. It’s showing them how much they mean to you and how blessed you are that they’re in your life, loving you back. And that doesn’t have to cost much or even anything: It’s Spontaneous texts just to tell them something that they did that you adore or that made you smile, makes you happy. It’s surprise visits, outings or a planned out evening at home. It’s buying their favorite ice cream or sweet on your way home, because you know how much they love it. It’s a love note written in the sand or the snow on their car or the steam on the mirror while they’re in the shower. It’s leaving them a private message on their phone to wake up to in the morning, long after they fell asleep curled up beside you. It’s bringing them their favorite drink because you were up getting one for yourself or it’s bringing them one just because. It’s a back rub at the end of a long stressful day. A moonlit walk on the beach, skinny dipping along the way. Or a fun night out of miniature golf, bowling or betting that nights sex positions on a game of poker. It’s recording their sports game because they were running late that night, or their favorite movie because you saw that it was on. It’s bringing home a pizza or Chinese takeout and a bottle of their favorite drink, because neither of you had time to start dinner that night. It’s holding their hand, touching their thigh or kissing their fingers while you’re in the car. It’s a late night movie with popcorn and snacks, and some making out in the back row of the theater. It’s a kiss for no reason other than you had to squeeze past them on your way through the room. A romantic bubble bath with wine and chocolate where you can talk and laugh then make love in the bubbles. It’s holding them when you know they are upset or stressed out, listening while they vent then kissing them softly on the forehead or the nape of their neck. It’s running their errands because you know they were to busy to get everything done that they wanted to that day. Or an evening out for drinks and some dancing then home to warm the sheets, or spontaneous fun in the car. It’s respecting them whether beside you or not or defending them when they most need you. My point is, there are thousands of ways to show someone how much you love and appreciate them that don’t involve saying those three little words. And while we all smile and feel that rush when it is said or we’ve uttered those words ourselves. The euphoric rush that one feels coursing through their body when they truly FEEL your love from the inside out, is an ecstasy all of its own. Say it often but more importantly, make them FEEL it even more.
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